PregEase is Now Patent Pending Thanks to ElevateIP

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PregEase is a groundbreaking startup dedicated to helping couples overcome infertility with their innovative, non-invasive, and affordable home-use medical device that boosts the chances of natural conception. With their device now patent pending, their journey has been financially supported by North Forge’s ElevateIP, a program funded by the Government of Canada. 

Working with Bereskin & Parr LLP, a top Canadian IP law firm, they have created a strong IP strategy to protect their inventions. This collaboration has helped PregEase to focus on their mission of aiding natural conception, making a real difference in reproductive health.

Read Ayaz Noor‘s, Founder of PregEase, press release below: 

PregEase: Revolutionizing Reproductive Health with the Support of NorthForge, Bereskin & Parr LLP, and ElevateIP

PregEase, a pioneering startup, is transforming the landscape of reproductive health. Our mission is to empower couples dealing with infertility by increasing the chances of natural conception. Our innovative, non-invasive, and affordable medical device, designed for home use, is a beacon of hope for countless couples. We are proud to announce that our device is now patent pending.

Our journey has been significantly bolstered by NorthForge, an innovation partner for the Province of Manitoba.

We have also had the privilege of working closely with ElevateIP, a program by NorthForge, and Bereskin & Parr LLP, a leading Canadian full-service intellectual property law firm. Together, they have helped us create a robust IP strategy. ElevateIP, funded by the Government of Canada, provides Canadian startups with the resources to understand, strategize, protect, manage, and leverage their intellectual property. Their support has been invaluable in helping us navigate the complex landscape of intellectual property rights.

Bereskin & Parr LLP, with its team of IP specialists, has been instrumental in helping us protect, grow, and monetize our intellectual property in Canada, the United States, and around the world. Their expertise and guidance have been crucial in helping us understand the intricacies of intellectual property law, and their support has been a key factor in our success.

This collaboration with NorthForge, ElevateIP, and Bereskin & Parr LLP has not only elevated our IP strategy but also positioned us to make a significant impact in the field of reproductive health. Their combined expertise and support have enabled us to focus on our core mission of helping couples conceive naturally, while ensuring that our intellectual property is protected and leveraged effectively.

We are grateful for their invaluable support and look forward to continuing our journey with them. With their continued support, we are confident that PregEase can make a significant impact in the field of reproductive health and help more couples realize their dreams of parenthood.

To learn more about the ElevateIP program and how it can provide financial support of up to $100,000 to develop and implement your IP strategy, visit

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