Helping companies develop faster, cheaper and successfully
North Forge is an incubator accelerator and a powerhouse entrepreneur community fuelling Manitoba’s innovative science-based, technology-enabled, and advanced manufacturing startups. We curate resources to help entrepreneurs solve problems in real time and reduce the cost and risk of innovation.
Build your business – better, faster, cheaper
No matter what stage you are at, our new, online four-stage Founders Program is available to all Manitobans. We provide comprehensive resources, combined with regional knowledge and international experience. Technology-enabled businesses will receive foundational business training, access to experts, networking, mentorship, a hot desk, pathfinding to growth capital, and ongoing entrepreneur-in-resident support.
We are one of North America’s largest fabrication and rapid prototyping facilities
North Forge has one of the largest non-profit public fabrication lab in North America located in the historic Exchange District in downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. This training-focused facility is where ideas are transformed into something tangible. Access to advanced equipment helps Manitoba entrepreneurs lower the cost of prototyping – and the time it takes to get it done.
Changing the game for entrepreneurs in Manitoba and beyond
How do you solve the access to venture capital void Canadian prairie entrepreneurs have been experiencing for decades? You build an Angel Network right here in Manitoba!
North Forge believes in a vibrant Canadian economy fuelled by startups and is making effective strides to boost the early-stage investment ecosystem across Canada.
“We have benefited from the guidance and advice from the team at North Forge to reach our milestones.”
“We have benefited from the guidance and advice from the team at North Forge to reach our milestones.”
“North Forge has been absolutely crucial in shaping and refining our concept and turning concept into reality. The breadth and depth of knowledge and real-world experience that entrepreneurs can access through the North Forge network are unparalleled.”
“North Forge is an essential element of the success of any aspiring entrepreneur that wants to succeed in our growing innovation ecosystem. The community, access to technology and collision of innovative minds isn’t possible anywhere else in Manitoba. North Forge is the only place I recommend you go to get your idea off the ground.”
“North Forge helped us navigate the startup ecosystem by offering industry insights and facilitating important connections with funders, partners and customers. Through their mentorship program we have been challenged, supported and are equipped to succeed – overcoming the many obstacles facing a startup company.”
“Our North Forge mentors helped us to dream big and then gave us solid advice to execute on those dreams. I started two companies inside North Forge. The first is company is now a multi-million dollar firm and we are preparing the second company for a super-angel financing round.”
“North Forge provides startups with the resources and network necessary to succeed. All startups in Manitoba should be part of this innovative ecosystem.”