Welcoming the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs

November 23, 2023| Off Comments off on Welcoming the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs|
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Earlier this month, North Forge welcomed the latest group of students from the Met Innovation Centre for Entrepreneurship (MICE) Light program. The MICE program was launched in September 2018, catering to young individuals in grades 10, 11 or 12 from the Met high school programs, driven by a passion for crafting innovative tech-based start-ups. 

This lighter version of the MICE program is curated to grade 9 students aspiring to nurture their entrepreneurial endeavours. Every Thursday, 12 students will be attending 2-hour sessions with North Forge mentors where they are introduced to key concepts in the start-up community. In the past, students started a wide variety of businesses including app development, clothing lines, social enterprises, robotics, and renewable energy. The program runs until mid-June and ends with the students getting the opportunity to pitch their business ideas as their final project.

“The MICE Light program will help develop a ‘next generation’ of Canadian entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders who will be more creative, collaborative, competitive, and experienced in developing new innovations and taking them to the next level in our regular MICE program next year,” Marney Stapley, V.P. of North Forge.

More than 60 students have attended the MICE Program, linking them with entrepreneurial advisors from the local community, and assisting them in shaping their own startup ventures. Working with North Forge, students acquire essential skills related to the entire project lifecycle, from initial ideation to completion, and refine their business concepts.

*Photo Credit: Seven Oakes Met School Facebook