Bobo App says ElevateIP program has been a fantastic resource for entrepreneurs

April 17, 2024| Off Comments off on Bobo App says ElevateIP program has been a fantastic resource for entrepreneurs|
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Parenthood is an adventure like no other, and for many, it became even more challenging during the global upheaval of 2020 and 2021. Grant and Klaudia, like so many others, were first-time parents navigating this wild new journey in a world turned upside down. From the start, they found themselves flipping through countless apps, searching for guidance, support, and a sense of community, only to find that everything felt more complicated than it needed to be. They quickly realized they weren’t alone in this struggle and began dreaming of a better way.

That’s how Bobo was born—a platform designed to make parenting smoother, more intuitive, and less about searching endlessly for answers. Bobo is all about helping parents focus on what truly matters: enjoying those precious moments with their little ones.

Bobo’s Co-Founders Klaudia and Grant McDonald recently went through our ElevateIP program and this is what they had to say about it:

“The support from North Forge’s ElevateIP program has been a fantastic resource for entrepreneurs like us. It simplifies the journey, offering essential tools and guidance. ElevateIP has enabled our business to truly adopt and implement a robust IP strategy. Through the program, we’ve been able to level up our NDA and employee contracts while navigating trademarks, copyrights, and patent searches. The program has turned a costly business function into something more accessible for start-ups like ours.” 

If you’re a Founder looking to give your business the competitive edge with an IP strategy, visit the ElevateIP page for more info. Receive financial support of up to $100,000 to develop and implement your IP strategy.