RampUp Weekend 2024: Building a Business in 50+ Hours!

April 30, 2024| Off Comments off on RampUp Weekend 2024: Building a Business in 50+ Hours!|
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RampUp 2024 kicked off with greetings from the Honourable Jamie Moses, Minister of Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources and His Worship Mayor Scott Gillingham. Following the opening remarks, Chris Johnson took the mic to inspire the participants by sharing his story of Permission Click and how it was born during RampUp Weekend 2012!ย 

The weekend had a record breaking number of attendees selling out the event at 250 registered and a resounding 52 start-ups were pitched to a room packed with excitement. Nine exceptional ideas moved forward into the Pitch Finale on Sunday. Witnessing these innovative ideas was truly inspiring and a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit that drives our community forward in Manitoba.

North Forge would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the incredible individuals who attended, participated, and supported this year’s RampUp Weekend. The event was fueled by incredible energy and excitement that lasted the entire weekend!ย 

Our esteemed judges (Chris Johnson, Noah Palansky, Martin Cash and Joelle Foster) faced a challenging decision, as the quality of ideas and pitches were extremely innovative. After careful consideration, the winners were announced.

๐Ÿฅ‡ First Place – Presented by North Forge & RRC: Patient Primeย 

1st Place: Patient Prime

Patient Prime impressed the judges with their pitch, about a tool to visualize your pain and improve communication with your doctor. Their solution would provide a user-friendly 3D interface, streamline patient intake and reduce a patientโ€™s anxiety. Congratulations to the Patient Prime team!

๐Ÿฅˆ Second Place – Presented by MTA: Song & Learn

2nd place: Song & Learn

Song & Learn demonstrated potential with their unique approach to making learning fun by turning your favourite songs into study materials. Their passion and dedication to create an AI platform that swaps study material with your favourite song lyrics, creates an interactive study material experience. Well done, Song & Learn!

๐ŸŽ‰ Fan Favourite – Presented by U of M, Faculty of Science: BridgeMatch

  • $500 in cashย 
  • 3-month membership to the North Forge FabLab, with $150 in training credits.

Fan Favourite: BridgeMatch

BridgeMatch won the hearts of the attendees and emerged as the fan favourite of RampUp 2024. Their innovative and unique concept to create an AI-generated talent hub to increase visibility, collaboration and sponsorship all in one creative app. Congratulations, BridgeMatch!

None of this would have been possible without the support of our incredible event sponsors:

We are grateful for your partnership and the valuable resources you provided to make RampUp Weekend 2024 a resounding success.

Once again, thank you to everyone who made RampUp 2024 an unforgettable experience. Your passion, ideas, and dedication to driving innovation continue to inspire us all. We look forward to seeing the achievements and milestones that lie ahead for the participating businesses!

#RampUp2024 # DareToDo #NorthForge


If you enjoyed this weekend and want to dive deeper into the first stages of business development or youโ€™re an early stage start-up, North Forgeโ€™s Founders Program is now accepting applications for their June cohort. Deadline to apply is June 15th. Please visit our Programs page for more details.