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Prioritizing Safety and Comprehensive Training

North Forge is dedicated to providing a safe, well-trained environment for all members, prioritizing thorough training programs and leveraging immersive technology to enhance safety and awareness.

Safe Work Certificate

SAFE Work Certified

North Forge’s FabLab is proud to be SAFE Work Certified, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all users. This certification, recognized across industries, reflects our adherence to core safety principles, including leadership commitment, proactive hazard identification, risk control, and active worker participation.


As a SAFE Work Certified facility, our FabLab follows stringent safety standards, ensuring that everyone—from employees to innovators—has a secure space to create, collaborate, and innovate. 

Person doing woodworking at a work bench
BSDXR logo
Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba logo
Safe Work Manitoba logo

VR Safety Learning Experience

With assistance from the Worker’s Compensation Board of Manitoba and SAFE Work Manitoba, a VR Safety Learning Experience was created by Bit Space Development to bring attention to critical areas and the pieces of equipment that are considered high risk within the FabLab.


This remote training method was developed to help members understand and demonstrate Safe Work Procedures; keep current with safety improvements; understand and follow personal protective equipment guidelines; demonstrate usage of specific machine hazards and control methods, and understand the FabLab member responsibilities.

VR Art Exhibition
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Partner with the Fablab

By partnering with the FabLab, your organization can play a pivotal role in fostering innovation, supporting entrepreneurship, and driving economic growth in Manitoba.

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Join an Open House Tour

Take a tour and discover how Manitoba entrepreneurs are starting businesses using resources from the Fabrication Lab. See 3D printing, laser cutting, computer-controlled routing, plasma cutting, vacuum forming, and many other processes that can transform wood, plastic, steel, glass, fabric and more, into prototypes. Learn how you can transform your idea into a real product or business. Experienced members will be on hand to help you understand the equipment and explain what North Forge Fabrication Lab is all about. Every Tuesday night 6 PM, 312 William Ave.

*Registration is required.

Man giving tour of the Fablab

Safety Incident and Near Miss Report

Date and time of near miss or incident
Property Damage?
Severity of incident or near miss (check all that apply)
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