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Making Waves with ElevateIP

When Joel Weber, Founder and CEO of Lake Water Nutrient Capture, set out to tackle phosphorus pollution in Lake Winnipeg and beyond, he knew protecting his groundbreaking solution was critical. What he didn’t expect was just how impactful North Forge’s ElevateIP program would be in making that happen.

Thanks to the program, Weber and his team secured provisional patents in Canada and the U.S., while building the confidence they needed to scale in a competitive market.

From skepticism to success, Joel calls his experience transformative. 

“I went in not expecting a whole lot. A lot of programs. They say that they offer a lot, but when you get into it, unfortunately, there's not much substance. With ElevateIP, we were able to learn quite a bit, and we were able to really get a lot of value for the time we invested in participating in it.” 

In less than a year, Lake Water Nutrient Capture hit major milestones, gaining critical intellectual property protections that positioned them for success.

Watch the video to hear the full story of how ElevateIP and North Forge’s Founders Program positively impacted Weber’s budding business. 

[Watch the Video]


North Forge is an ElevateIP Recipient: a national program of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, leading in intellectual property support for startups in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

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