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Innovate, Create, Celebrate

North Forge RampUp Weekend 10 is a milestone for the event – the 10th time teams of developers, designers, makers, and entrepreneurs have come together to build a minimum viable product (MVP) in 55 hours.

RampUp Weekend 10
RampUp Weekend 10

It’s all happening June 9-11 at the ACE Project Space in Winnipeg’s Innovation Alley with pitch finals taking place at the Metropolitan Entertainment Centre Sunday evening. One weekend and 55 hours is scary, says organizer Chris Johnson. He is the co-founder and CEO of Permission Click, a business that emerged from a past RampUp Weekend. Indeed, the event has given many participants the confidence to begin their entrepreneurial journey, says Joelle Foster of Futurpreneur Canada, and one of members of RampUp Weekend’s organizing committee.

All ages are welcome to take part. You don’t need to have an idea for a product as you can come and be part of a team. It’s for anyone with an idea for a business, or anyone who can help with a business idea. “It’s your chance to blow up a business without spending a dime,” says Jerin Valel, who is also on the committee organizing the event.

“You might get in on the ground floor of a new business,” adds committee member Kerry Stevenson. While RampUp Weekends can validate business ideas – they are ultimately about learning and building relationships among the attendees.

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FEB 26, 2025

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