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Here's what moves us.

The Exchange District Biz: Empowering Innovators: Inside North Forge Technology Exchange
This central location hosts several events for makers, artists and entertainers with events such as Nuit Blanche, Jazz Fest and the Fringe.
May 31, 2024

Unleashing Global Innovation: North Forge’s Powerful International Partnerships
Entrepreneurship knows no boundaries. It exceeds language, religion, gender, and politics. It’s about the immeasurable creativity of...
Nov 28, 2023

Winnipeg Free Press: North Forge’s FabLab adds storefront presence
North Forge Technology Exchange has now leased the 2,500-square-foot main floor street-level storefront previously occupied by Arts Junction
Nov 16, 2023

Meet our newest Board Members at North Forge.
Oct 30, 2022

Making sense with Industry 4.0 sensors
“Is my equipment working correctly?” The solution to this problem is what compelled Matthew Gale , Founder and CEO of PolySense...
Oct 7, 2021

Sponsor Spotlight: Princess Auto
Providing founders with the tools and resources that they need to help drive their business forward is one of North Forge’s founding...
Sep 2, 2020

Innovate, Create, Celebrate
North Forge RampUp Weekend 10 is a milestone for the event – the 10th time teams of developers, designers, makers, and entrepreneurs have co
May 4, 2017

Olympic Size Innovation: Konex Wake Parks’ Big Launch Event
North Forge startup Konex Wake Parks made a splash with their official launch on September 16, 2016 , introducing an innovative cable...
Sep 19, 2016

North Forge Honoured with Startup Canada Entrepreneur Promotion Award for Advancing Entrepreneurship in Canada
Over 50 of Canada’s leading entrepreneurs, innovators, and changemakers have been named regional winners of the 2016 Startup Canada Awards.
Sep 2, 2016

North Forge strengthens Manitoba’s future in innovation
Manitoba entrepreneurs have a new resource that will streamline the highly successful services at The Eureka Project, Assent Works, Ramp Up
Aug 25, 2016

Owning your idea: what entrepreneurs need to know about protecting their intellectual property
Protecting your ideas may involve developing non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with collaborators.
Aug 3, 2016

Purely Innovative Idea: Manitoba Founder Solves Food Waste
Turning Food Waste into Opportunity: Kelly Beaulieu’s Journey with Canadian Prairie Garden Purees
May 17, 2016

Growing the future of urban agriculture
Highlighting the journey of David Gingera and CitiGrow, focusing on his motivations, the challenges he faced, and the development of an inn
May 16, 2016
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